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Sturdy Firm and Rigid Stiffener for Quality Optimal Felt Support Dewaxed Shellac Flakes
Sturdy Firm and Rigid Stiffener for Quality Optimal Felt Support Dewaxed Shellac Flakes

Sturdy Firm and Rigid Stiffener for Quality Optimal Felt Support Dewaxed Shellac Flakes

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🎩 Sturdy Firm and Rigid Stiffener for One Hat Dewaxed Shellac Flakes
✨ Guide to Using Dewaxed Shellac Flakes for Hat Stiffening ✨
1. Preparing the Shellac Solution
* Combine 99% Isopropyl Alcohol with shellac flakes to make the solution.
* For a firm finish, mix 1 bag of flakes with 150 ml (around ¾ cup) of alcohol.
* Stir the mixture occasionally in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Within
approximately 2 hours, the shellac will completely dissolve. If you don’t plan to use
a large amount, prepare smaller batches using the same ratio of shellac to alcohol.
Note: Before adding alcohol, the shellac flakes are completely non-toxic.

2. How to Apply
* Transfer the prepared solution into a spray bottle for easy application.
* Spray the mixture evenly over the hat body, brushing it in to ensure proper
absorption. Allow it to dry.
* If additional stiffness is desired, repeat the process.

3. Safety Measures
* Ensure good ventilation in your workspace.
* If you are sensitive to fumes, wearing a protective mask is recommended.

4. Application Sequence
* Whether you apply the shellac before or after blocking your hat body is entirely up
to you. Experiment with both methods to see what works best for you and your
workflow. Over time, you’ll develop a system that suits your preferences and

💡 Helpful Tips:
Use high-quality dewaxed shellac flakes for a consistent and polished finish.
Always test the solution on a small section of the hat body to ensure the stiffness level meets your needs.
Store the shellac mixture in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place to prevent it from evaporating.

🌱 What is Dewaxed Shellac?
Dewaxed shellac is a purified version of shellac, with wax content removed during processing.
Shellac (/ʃəˈlæk/) is a natural resin produced by the female lac bug on trees in India and Thailand. It is available as dry flakes, which are dissolved in alcohol to create a liquid form used for stiffening hats. This versatile material offers a durable and customizable stiffness for various hat-making needs.

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